Welcome to the online shop at SPGS. This is the only place that offers unique SPGS branded products to SPGS parents, students, staff and alumnae. We offer a variety of high quality merchandise and keepsakes. Run by volunteer parents, all proceeds from sales will be used towards the SPGS Bursary Fund, school projects falling outside departmental budgets and the students' chosen charities.
The Essentials
When you checkout, please include your daughter's full name and year group - e.g. VIII, UIV, MIV.
We pack up orders on alternate Fridays during term time and you can collect them from the Front Office.
Next collection date for online purchases: 15th January 2025.
Next physical sale: TBC
SPGS merchandise is run by Alex Cecil and Min Close, two parents at the school. Any queries, please email us at spgsmerchandise@gmail.com