Welcome to the online shop at SPGS. This is the only place that offers unique SPGS branded products to SPGS parents, students, staff and alumnae. We offer a variety of high quality merchandise and keepsakes. ​Run by volunteer parents, all proceeds from sales will be used towards the SPGS Bursary Fund, school projects falling outside departmental budgets and the students' chosen charities.​​
The Essentials
When you checkout, please include your daughter's full name and year group - e.g. VIII, UIV, MIV.
​​We pack up orders on alternate Fridays during term time and you can collect them from the Front Office.
Next collection date for online purchases: 15th January 2025.
Next physical sale: TBC
SPGS merchandise is run by Alex Cecil and Min Close, two parents at the school. Any queries, please email us at spgsmerchandise@gmail.com